Thursday, September 20, 2007

Voices in your body coming through on the radio

There are times when each of us is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Hell, one can't have spent as much time in kollij as Diva or I have and not run across one or two subjects that make one's brain crazier than a fish with titties.

Letting Iranian "President" AchingForJihad tour Ground Zero and pay his respects to... whomever he saw fit? Crizzazzy.

OJ staging a stick-up? Pretty fucking crazy.

But this guy? He's got retard-strength crazy coming out his ears. Seriously, he makes all my previous Big Dumb Sheep posts seem like Graduate Theses by comparison.
A man in Oregon nearly died after a pet rattlesnake that he put in his mouth while drinking with some friends bit him inside his throat. Matt Wilkinson said when he put his eastern diamondback rattlesnake down his throat, he immediately noticed a shot-like sensation.

Wilkinson, who nearly died from the incident, is still recovering from the bite."They said I had enough venom in me to kill between 12 and 15 people," Wilkinson said.

But the money quote, containing the world-caliber stupid is saved for the very end:
"I still love snakes but I will take a little more care in handling them," Wilkinson said. "It is kind of my own stupid fault."

Just "kind of" your fault, there, Professor? Not maybe, say, "entirely" or "unequivocally" or "abso-fucking-lutely" your fault?

Good Lord, how is it statistically possible that this Ralph Wiggum wannabe hasn't walked in front of a bus?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus. He stuck a snake down his gob? And it bit him? I wonder why?


10:01 PM, September 29, 2007  
Blogger Deadman said...

Still wanna be called Snake?


11:42 PM, September 29, 2007  

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