Thursday, May 26, 2005

Yub Yub, bitches.

You'd think that after the lengthy nitpicking I did on H²G² I would have reams of stuff to say about Star Wars. Yeah, I will soon... but not today.

Honestly, there's quite a lot I could gush about it, both positive and negative, but I want to get in at least a second viewing before I go down that road. There is one thing I can unequivocally say about it right now though... and I'd get the vast majority of the fan community to agree with me, I wager.

This movie is not for kids. Don't take your kindergartner to see it.

Seriously. I saw at least half a dozen 6 year-olds in the theater with me when I went. Now, I'm not saying this movie will scar the little tykes for life and ensure you massive therapy bills in 10 years... but use your fucking heads, people. It's PG-13 for a reason here.
What part of "a man's descent into a living hell and the forfeiture of his soul to evil wherein he is party to hunting down and killing truckloads of people" makes this sound like a movie for kids to be seeing? Seriously, just because R2D2 acts up a couple times doesn't make this harmless Buster Keaton or Three Stooges type violence. Even the casual dork knows the story behind Darth Vader, and that it certainly isn't a happy one.

On wednesday and thurdsay before the movie opened there was a good deal of press (mostly just duplicated coverage of the same associated press article) about George Lucas possibily editorializing on the Bush administration. Given that I was disappointed with possible Bush-bashing in H²G² vis a vis Zaphod, it's entirely likely that I'm going to go apeshit crazy about this... especially with it happening just a few weeks later. Well it's possible I will, but again, I'm going to defer until I get a second viewing under my belt.

Moving on... It's often been said that if you really want to succed as a writer, you should keep a notepad with you throughout the day, so you can jot down any cool ideas you have, rather than forget them and have the world lose them forever... and not get paid for them either. So yeah, I really should have started doing that a week ago because I've thought of at least 10 annoying things semi-related to theaters that would go so well in this post. As it stands though, I'm just a guy with smelly food for a name that's bitching about little kids in graphic movies.

Ah well...


Blogger Stewed Hamm said...

You'd think I would remember to add a title to the frickin post... ah well, that's what I get for blogging on short time.
Regardless, it's fixed now.

1:51 AM, May 29, 2005  

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